Industry- Academic Collaboration via Undergraduate Industrial Training & Research Projects

The Faculty of Science of the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka has identified the need for improving the relevance and quality of Science Graduates in order to get their employability expanded. The faculty has launched a number of activities to achieve enhancement and continuity of quality and relevance of undergraduate education. Among these, one of the main and important aspects is to build and to maintain a strong relationship between university and industries (public and private sectors). More specifically, the faculty is in the process of reforming its educational processes to meet demands from present job market and is also looking forward for contribution from private and public sectors’ businesses that have the potential to employ skilled science graduates. This has already been initiated by offering FSC 3bP2 course module for the science undergraduates.


Industry- Academic Collaboration via Undergraduate Industrial Training & Research Projects

Our graduates/undergraduates get one of the best undergraduate education which is competitive in the international academia. This has been proven in many occasions such as winning internationally competitive awards, scholarships, studentships, getting employment in the national/international market. Furthermore, our academic staff members have also proven their capabilities in winning such awards nationally and internationally (E.g. International award for best young scientist, many international fellowships etc). The research potential is also measured by the publications that appear in refereed journals. Many of our members have won for example Sri Lankan Presidents Research Award for such (international) publications every year. Strengthen by such a solid academic foundation, our graduates have been able to provide the best solutions in their workplaces (E.g.: Industrial Finance Systems Inc, Royal Ceramics Lanka Ltd., Commercial Bank, National Insurance Corporation to mention a few), according to the informal surveys carried out recently.