Page 53 - 2022 Abstract Book RUICHSS_2022_11_17 after conference
P. 53
University of Ruhuna ISSN: 2706-0063
Matara, Sri Lanka
Classification of Customers’ Satisfaction on Online Grocery
Shopping Based on Usefulness and Ease of Use; A Case of
Kottawa East Grama Niladhari Division
Perera, E.C.D, Gamage, A, and Perera, B.N.G
University of Ruhuna.
The ability of the consumer to shop online at anytime, anywhere has increased with
the rapid growth of internet penetration. Consumer satisfaction is one of the most
tested factors in the marketing process because it helps to retain the existing
consumers and attract new consumers (Tandon et al, 2017). Davis (1989) developed
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), according to which users’ adoption of
computer system depends on their behavioral intention to use, which in turn depends
on attitude, consisting of two beliefs, namely Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and
Perceived Usefulness (PU). The degree to which understanding, learning, and
operating a certain system or technology with no physical or mental effort is referred
to as ease of use (Davis, 1989). Perceived ease of use can influence the customers’
attitude of a product; thereby it pre-determines the customer’s impression of a
company or business about the service they have experienced for customer
satisfaction. Accordingly, the research problem of this study is “how to classify the
customers’ satisfaction on online grocery shopping based on Perceived Ease of Use
(PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU)”. Thus, the aim of this research is to identify
the customer satisfaction level based on PEOU and PU using discriminant analysis.
Discriminant Analysis, which is a multivariate technique, has been used in this study
to assign observation into a category (group) in dependent variable. This method can
be used to identify the discrimination among responses. In this study PEOU, PU and
Satisfaction have been measured for 211 respondents and 163 (75%) of respondents
were taken as the test sample, whereas 48 are in the train sample. Sample has been
collected from Kottawa East GN division via simple random sampling. Data was
collected by a questionnaire. Results proved that the discriminating customer
satisfaction based on PEOU and PU has provided significant outcome as the accuracy
is more than 70%. Since PEOU and PU have significant weights in discriminant
functions, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction has impacts from both
usefulness and ease of use in online shopping.
Keywords: Classification, Customer Satisfaction, Discriminant Analysis, Perceived
Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness