Page 46 - 2022 Abstract Book RUICHSS_2022_11_17 after conference
P. 46

University of Ruhuna                                                               ISSN: 2706-0063
               Matara, Sri Lanka

               Identification of Temporal Changes in Land Use/Land Cover,
               Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, and Land Surface
               Temperature in Matara Municipal Council Area Using Geo-
               Spatial Techniques
               W.M.D.C. Wijesinghe
               Department of Geography, University of Ruhuna.

               Several studies have investigated the relationship between land surface temperature
               and urban vegetation patterns, and they have discovered that remote sensing is a
               timely and effective method for this type of analysis. Change detection in LULC of
               any  geographic  location  by  using  multi-temporal  satellite  imagery  helps  in
               understanding landscape dynamics. The purpose of this research is to apply LULC,
               and NDVI in the evaluation of land surface temperature using Geospatial techniques
               and RS in the Matara MC area. Open source Landsat satellite data obtained from the
               United  States  Geological  Survey  (USGS)  in  two  different  years  were  utilized  to
               identify and quantify LULC, NDVI, and LST changes. The obtained satellite images
               were  used  for  data  processing  and  analysis  after  pre-processing  processes  and
               clipping the area through Arcgis 10.8 software. These images were categorized using
               the  Maximum  Likelihood  Classification  algorithm  under  the  supervised  image
               classification there is a standard mathematical procedure for calculating NDVI and it
               can be done using the Raster calculator command. Significant growth in building area
               formation in land use can be identified in 2021 compared to the year 2001. It was
               6.77 km  in 2001 and 10.8 km  by 2021. Vegetation cover is gradually decreasing
               with increasing population and seasonal variation in land use patterns. By 2021, with
               the  development  of  road  networks,  buildings,  and  other  infrastructure,  higher
               temperatures  were  reported  in  those  areas.  On  the  other  hand,  the  minimum
               temperature was 17.6 °C and the maximum temperature was 29.8 °C. Preliminary
               findings indicate that there has been a significant increase in built-up areas within the
               Matara Municipality area over about 20 years. The future urban environment can be
               used productively in achieving sustainable urban development and planning through
               eco-friendly approaches. Geospatial techniques such as GIS and Remote Sensing and
               these methods can be  used  as an  effective  factor in  the implementation  of  urban
               planning and policies in other urban areas.

               Keywords: LST, LULC, Matara MC Area, NDVI, Temporal

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