Page 29 - 2022 Abstract Book RUICHSS_2022_11_17 after conference
P. 29
University of Ruhuna ISSN: 2706-0063
Matara, Sri Lanka
Recent Trends in the Use of E-Government Tools in Sri
Lanka as Governing Strategies
Priyamali W.P.K, Marasinghe N.T.
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, University of Ruhuna.
The concept of e-government can be portrayed as a public sector renaissance that has
been marred by inefficiency, fraud, excessive bureaucracy and powerful political
influence. It was an operational framework used in recent sustainable development
and good governance approaches. That is, the concept of e-government has become
widely accepted as a potent tool for improving the independence and effectiveness of
the public service. Recent occurrences have provided evidence of how the political
and permanent executive branches of the government operate when the nation is in
an emergency. The most effective way to eliminate the issue arising due to political
interference in Sri Lanka is to implement e-government. The serious issue caused by
the scarcity of fuel gave rise to numerous challenges. One can argue that this
challenging scenario has been resolved by the QR code-based system. However, it is
usually the case in the current world to use these governance strategies as a method
of achieving sustainable development goals. The degree to which the use of e-
governance tools as new governance methods supports the pursuit of sustainable
development goals is one of the areas covered in this research. In spite of this, the
study reveals facts concerning how this government uses information and
communication technologies in a backward manner that go beyond achieving
sustainable development targets. The Ceylon Petroleum Corporation and the
Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka collaborated to
issue the national fuel pass utilizing information and communication technology as a
response to the recognized issue. This study focuses on how this system has
successfully met the pressing need by offering effective answers. As a result, it was
established that utilizing information technology tactics for preventing governance
structure from failures is more crucial than achieving long-term sustainable solutions.
This study also confirmed that there has been an upsurge in people's interest in using
information technology devices in recent years. Based on these problems, the study
found that Sri Lanka should now start using e-governance techniques in the long-term
policy-making process.
Keywords: E Government, Information Technology, Sustainable Development, Fuel